Veselé Velikonoce!



slovanska unie


ABOUT US (English version)

SLAVIC UNION belongs to the oldest Slavic societies operating in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1992 by the Czech writer Alexej Pludek and derives its tradition from the first Slavic Congress in 1848 in Prague, attended by international celebrities of the Slavic movement and chaired by František Palacký called "Father of the Czech Nation", from Slavic subsequent congresses and renewed meetings of representatives of Slavic nations starting the All-Slavic Congress in 1998 in Prague, which was initiated and prepared by the Czech professor Břetislav Chvála and writer Alexej Pludek in the year of the 150th anniversary of the first Slavic Congress.

SLAVIC UNION is a voluntary, independent, and non-political association uniting its registered members on the basis of their common interest. It is a separate legal entity #48133396 and operates in the Czech Republic under the Czech law. At the European executive agency EACEA, it is registered under participant identity code (PIC) #923564549 and is the contact subject for the Czech Republic at the International Foundation Forum of Slavic Cultures, based in Ljubljana.

The purpose of the SLAVIC UNION are cultural, educational, and training activities. The SLAVIC UNION develops the cooperation of Slavic nations and Slavic intercommunity in various areas of non-governmental and non-political activities, especially in cultural, scientific, and environmental areas. The chairman of the SLAVIC UNION is assoc. prof. Vojtěch Merunka, M.Sc., Ph.D.

The supreme authority of the SLAVIC UNION is the assembly, which decides through voting of all members of the SLAVIC UNION. If there are all members on the assembly, voting is oral. In other cases, there is the electronic voting of all members via the Internet.

coat of arms:      slovanská unie        flag:      slovanská unie


slovjanska kulturna diplomacija

Slavic cultural diplomacy is a basic program document of SLAVIC UNION.
Here is the whole text in the Interslavic language written in latin or cyrilic alphabet.



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download hey-slavs
0.8 MB 0:52 min


The website of the SLAVIC UNION is regularly archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic for its cultural, educational, scientific, research or other values with the aim of documenting an authentic sample of the Czech web. It belongs to a collection of Czech websites to be preserved by the National Library and made available for posterity. Its record is included in the Czech National Bibliography and the National Library catalogue.



(here is the statute in PDF file, in Czech, in Russian)

A. basics

§ 1  SLOVANSKÁ UNIE z. s. (hereinafter abbreviated as SU) is a voluntary, independent, and non-political association uniting its registered members on the basis of their common interest. SU is a separate legal entity #48133396 and operates in the Czech Republic under the Czech law.

§ 2  Name of the SU is SLAVIC UNION in English and СЛАВЯНСКИЙ СОЮЗ in Russian. Name of this association in chosen in all languages according to how these languages translate the name of the European Union, hence its name, for example, SLAVENSKA UNIJA in Croatian, СΛАВЯНСΚИЯ СЪЮЗ in Bulgarian, UNION SLAVE in French, ESLAVA UNIÓN in Spanish and ΣΛΑΒΙΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ in Greek.

§ 3  SU was founded in 1992 by the Czech writer Alexej Pludek and derives its tradition from the first Slavic Congress in 1848 in Prague, attended by international celebrities of the Slavic movement and chaired by František Palacký called "Father of the Czech Nation", from Slavic subsequent congresses and renewed meetings of representatives of Slavic nations starting the All-Slavic Congress in 1998 in Prague. SU continues to the enhancement and cultural emancipation of Slavic peoples in the 19th century, which resulted in the Czech and Slovak countries into the idea of Czech-Slovak intercommunity based on humanitarian ideals, as formulated by Ján Kollár and later applied by Karel Kramář and Tomáš Garrique Masaryk.

§ 4  SU perceives the ancient Slavic civilization as an integral part of the common spiritual, and cultural heritage of Europe and appreciates the crucial importance of the spiritual, cultural, and state-building mission of the brothers Cyril and Methodius from Thessaloniki, which included Slavs using standardization of their literal language and alphabet among the most advanced nations of the world.

§ 5  Insignia SU: The sign is a stylized golden letter "S" in the Glagolitic alphabet shaped by an intersecting circle above a triangle symbolizing the terms "slovo (a word), Slavs" in a blue square. Outlines of the same letter make its black-and-white form. The flag is made of the same gold letter in the middle of a blue bar within a horizontal tricolour having colours from the top: 1/4 of the height is white, 1/2 of the height is blue and 1/4 of the height is red, everything of the same colour saturation from the state flag of the Czech Republic, the dimensions of the flag are in the ratio 2: 3. The Anthem is the melody of the first verse from the song "Hey Slavs". Memorial day is February 14, the day of the death of Constantine the Philosopher in Rome in 869.

§ 6  SU has web-site address, e-mail address Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript., and its headquarter is in Prague.

B. activity

§ 7  The purpose of the SU are cultural, educational, and training activities. SU develops the cooperation of Slavic nations and Slavic intercommunity in various areas of non-governmental and non-political activities, especially in cultural, scientific, and environmental areas.

§ 8  SU preaches the benefits of Slavic civilization into the shaping of the modern world, promotes mutual understanding and recognition of members of all nations, adequate respect to the upright demands of members of all nations to ensure peace considers the common good and the future destiny of people around the world.

§ 9  SU rejects the xenophobic thought about the international Slavic movement as a confrontation between Slavs and other nations and nationalistic and chauvinistic ideas about the superiority of some Slavic nations and languages above the other Slavic or non-Slavic nations and languages.

§ 10 SU actively defends the principle of natural law and equality among members of all nations, equality of national languages, religion and gender before the law, and opposes the destruction of the traditional civilized world values, which are deliberated breaking and impeachment of the human rights and freedom.

§ 11 SU is an organizer or co-organizer of cultural, educational, and training events, both domestically and internationally.

§ 12 SU can perform a secondary economic activity in the area of creating and distributing of publications, teaching aids and promotional materials and information conveys. Funds raised from this activity are not divided, but fully invested back in order to support the purpose of the SU.

C. structure

§ 13 Structure of the SU is:

a. The SU authorities who are the SU assembly and the SU president, who is elected by the SU assembly for a period of 5 years.

b. The SU members who elect from among them for a period of 5 years: a vice-president, an accountant, at least one editor, and three members of the audit committee. A vice-president and an economist cannot be simultaneously members of the audit commission.

§ 14 The assembly of the SU members is the supreme authority of the SU.

a. The assembly is a meeting of all members of the SU. The assembly is held each calendar year, the earliest in December and the latest in February next year.

b. If SU members, who are elected Vice-President, economist, editor, and member of the Audit Commission, finish their five-year period under § 13, the assembly elects new structure for the new five-year period under § 16. Repeated nomination and election of the same member SU in the new period is possible. The function of selected members remains until the day of the election of a new SU members although the current period has expired.

c. The SU assembly is convened by the SU president by e-mail sent to all SU members at least 14 days in advance. The program of assembly must be included in this e-mail.

d. The SU assembly is chaired by the SU president who writes the minutes report from this assembly not later than 14 days after it and sends it via e-mail to all SU members.

e. An extraordinary assembly is convened by the SU president in case of need to discuss such matter of the SU, if it is not proper to initiate a voting without proper prior debate.

§ 15 The SU president is a statutory body of the SU who:

a. He/she is a SU member at least 18 years old authorized to act on behalf of the SU with government, administration, and other bodies and institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad. The SU president is authorized to sign documents on behalf of the SU by attaching his/her signature to the printed name of the SU or the stamp of the SU.

b. At the SU assembly, he/she shall submit a written annual work plan and after its approval by voting under § 16 he/she continuously documents its progress.

c. He/she may temporarily delegate part of his/her competence and duty to any other SU member. This delegation must be notified by e-mail to all SU members.

§ 16 The SU authorities decide through voting. Unless otherwise stated, so every voting is performed by the following rules:

a. Every voting is always performed by all SU members. Each SU member including the president has exactly one vote "for the proposal" or "against the proposal" or may abstain.

b. If there are all SU members on the SU assembly, voting is oral. The subject and result of voting must be included in the minutes report from this assembly. In other cases, there is the electronic voting "per rollam" via the Internet. The SU president announces all members of the SU the result of voting after 7 days from the date of voting initiation or sooner if there is faster achievement of an absolute majority of positive or negative votes from the total number of all SU members.

c. Each SU member can submit SU president a proposal on the subject of voting via e-mail. The SU president notifies within 14 days all SU members the subject of voting via e-mail and starts voting or informs all SU members via e-mail why did not started voting on the proposed subject.

d. The result of voting is accepted if total votes "for proposal" and "against proposal" express at least one third of all SU members. The subject of voting is approved if there are more votes "for proposal" than "against proposal". The voting result is obligatory.

§ 17 The vice-president is a SU member at least 18 years old who at the time of unavailability of the SU president lasting more than 14 days shall take president's authorization to convene and manage SU assembly under § 14 and to initiate voting under § 16.

§ 18 The accountant is a SU member at least 18 years old who takes a care for financial belongings of the SU.

§ 19 The editor is a SU member who cares about the content and maintenance of the SU internet services.

§ 20 Three-member audit commission:

a. Performs independent inspection of the SU management and adherence to the Statute of the SU.

b. At the SU assembly, submits an annually written report on the performed inspections.

c. An audit commission member must be a SU member at least 18 years old.

§ 21 Minutes report of each SU assembly must be verified. A verifier must be a SU member at least 18 years old who is not the president or vice-president or accountant.

D. membership

§ 22 A SU member may be a natural person over 15 years old, irrespective of his/her nationality, ethnicity, political or religious orientation, who agrees with the Statute of the SU and is keen to actively participate in its performance. SU membership is voluntary and lifelong and cannot be inherited.

§ 23 A SU member must not be a person, who is a member of a domestic or foreign organization which has its ideology or activity in the contrary to § 4, § 7, § 8, § 9, or § 10 of the Statute of the SU.

§ 24 A SU member has the right:

a. To participate actively in the activities of the SU.

b. Under the Statute of the SU and under good morals, to use insignia of the SU described in § 5 at the hearing on public.

c. To attend all voting of the SU, to elect and to be elected into the structure of the SU.

d. To attend all assemblies of the SU. The attendance at an assembly is also possible by telephone or by similar communication tool.

e. To be informed on all matters of the SU.

f. To submit the SU president and other SU members his/her suggestions for the activities of the SU.

g. To replace the SU president in his/her authorization to convene an assembly under § 14 or to initiate voting under § 16, if there is agreeing for it at least one third of the SU all members.

h. To participate in the discussion of all matters related to his/her person.

i. To terminate his/her membership in SU by written message to the SU president.

§ 25 A SU member has an obligation:

a. To adhere to the Statute of the SU and to actively participate in the activities of the SU.

b. To fulfil his/her engagement under which he/she was admitted to SU by a measurable way (for example, participation in organized events or number of his/her article readings).

c. To represent SU in public and before government, administrative and other bodies and institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad with dignity.

§ 26 A candidate for SU membership has all the rights and obligations of a member of the SU except the right to vote, to elect, and to be elected into the structure of the SU.

§ 27 Procedure of obtaining membership:

a. An applicant for membership sends the SU president his/her written request, which describes his/her work plan or other form of the contribution, which can be a financial subsidy or concern about some agenda (e.g. the culture, history, Slavic studies, ...) or other services for SU. The SU president publishes this request via e-mail to all SU members and starts voting for membership, thus, an applicant becomes a candidate for membership, or the SU president writes all SU members via e-mail why did not vote for membership of this applicant.

b. Voting closes after 28 days from the date of the initiation of voting or sooner if there is expressed an absolute majority of all the SU members for acceptance or for rejection.

c. A candidate becomes a new SU member at the moment of publication of the positive voting result.

d. A candidate loses the candidate status at the moment of publication of the negative voting result.

e. The request for the SU membership can be reapplied after 12 months from the date of the last request.

§ 28 Procedure of cancelling membership:

a. Each SU member has the right as well as the obligation to notify via e-mail all SU members about the violations or non-compliance with the Statute of the SU by concerned member.

b. The concerned member shall wrote his/her answer by e-mail sent to all SU members within 14 days. Then, it is started voting under § 16 about the defence or termination of membership. The voting starts even if the concerned member did not use the period of 14 days for a reply. The membership is defended or cancelled in the moment of publication of the voting result.

c. The cancelling of membership terminates all functions in SU of the concerned member, if he/she had them.

d. If voting concerns the SU president, then the vice-president takes the post of a temporary president and appoints a new temporary vice-president until the case resolution. If voting concerns the SU vice-president, then the SU president appoints a new temporary vice-president until the case resolution. If voting concerns both of them, then must be new voting under § 16 about the temporary president and temporary vice-president.

e. If membership of the president or the vice-president or both of them is cancelled, then the temporary president convenes an extraordinary voting assembly under § 14.

E. partnership with other organizations

§ 29 SU in its activities may cooperate with similar registered associations, civic associations and movements, or churches and religious communities at home or abroad on the basis of shared values and the intersection of objectives as described in section B of the Statute.

§ 30 A partner of the SU cannot be:

a. A domestic or foreign organization that is with its ideology or activity in contrary to § 4, § 7, § 8, § 9, or § 10 of the Statute of the SU.

b. A political party or a structure similar to a political party such as association or movement that participates in the elections to a legislature of states, bundles of states, counties, or other territorial units.

c. An association of organizations, where a member of such association is a political party or a structure similar to a political party such as association or movement that participates in the elections to a legislature of states, bundles of states, counties, or other territorial units.

§ 31 Procedure for establishing partnership:

a. A president or vice-president of SU conclude a written contract on partnership with partner organizations. The contract of partnership includes a range of joint activities and duration.

b. A president or vice-president of SU immediately announce the establishment of partnership to all members of SU via e-mail.

§ 32 Procedure for cancelling partnership:

a. Each SU member has the right to submit a written proposal to repeal the partnership. The proposal for cancelling partnership is notified via e-mail to all SU members, and the SU president initiates voting.

b. Voting closes after 28 days, or sooner if there is faster achievement of an absolute majority of positive or negative votes from the total number of all SU members.

c. The SU president without delay announces the partner organization in the form of a written letter as well as all SU members via e-mail about the voting result.

§ 33 SU can be simultaneously a member of a voluntary community of mutually recognizing individual associations at home or abroad, which elect a member which becomes the status of a "first among equals" on the basis of democratic elections after agreed limited period of honest management and control function for all members of the community. Members of the community must meet the requirements under § 29 and § 30. Procedures for establishing and cancelling this type of membership shall be governed by the same rules of procedures for establishing and cancelling membership under § 31 and § 32.

F. management

§ 34 SU manages financial resources and movable and immovable property (e.g. publications, teaching aids, accounting information and personal documentation), which is used exclusively for operations connected with the purpose of the association under § 7, duly supported by accounting documents.

§ 35 The source of assets is the own secondary economic activity of the SU according to § 12 and further donations, grants, subsidies and grants, bequests, inheritance and other allowances. Assets of the SU are owned by the SU as an only legal entity. SU members do not have any joint, mutual fund or other property right to the SU. All deposits, gifts, or any other support of the SU from individuals and legal entities are entirely voluntary and irreversible.

§ 36 Financial resources of the SU are stored in:

a. Cash treasury of the SU at an accountant of necessary amount.

b. Bank account maintained in Czech crowns of a banking institution in the Czech Republic, which is entitled to the president, vice-president, and accountant.

§ 37 Any SU member is entitled to obtain information about the bank and cash balances. History of bank and cash transactions is notified every month to all SU members via e-office.

§ 38 Any SU member has the right to ask an accountant of SU for explanation of the purpose of each transaction.

G. e-office

§ 39 E-office is an information system od SU operated at the address, which is connected with the mailbox Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.. Domain and related information services installed on this site are the property of the SU.

a. The official language of all stored documents is Czech or Slovak or Neoslavonic written in the Latin alphabet. Documents in any other Slavic or non-Slavic languages, including Russian and English, must be accompanied by a translation into one of these official languages.

b. The public part of the e-office information system, which is not protected by an username and password, provides information services of the SU to the public and before government, administrative and other bodies and institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad.

c. The private part of the e-office information system, which is protected by an username and password, serves as a repository for all internal documents SU and technical support for voting and mutual communication among all SU members.

d. All SU members and member candidates have access to documents stored in the private part of the e-office via their individual usernames and passwords.

e. All members of the SU are allowed to add discussion posts to the stored documents. The content of the discussion is automatically sent from the address Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. to private e-mail addresses of all SU members and membership candidates.

f. Membership candidates are not allowed to add discussion posts.

g. Only the president, vice-president, and editors are allowed to add new documents. Text of each added document is automatically sent from the address Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. to private e-mail addresses of all SU members and membership candidates.

h. Each SU member is allowed to award posts in the discussion by giving one vote "for" or "against" or may abstain. The system continuously shows total voices. The voting process is a secret, the system does not disclose who and how they voted, but only collects voices together.

i. Membership candidates are not allowed to award posts in the discussion.

§ 40 List of the SU members is an internal document and does not belong to the public information of the e-office.

a. The internal list of the SU members consists of full name with academic titles, year of birth, mobile phone number, personal e-mail address, and details about the time period of membership and position of each SU member.

b. Information about former SU members is also part of an internal list of members, defining the time period when and what position they were SU members.

§ 41 The duties of each SU member and each membership candidate in relation to the e-office are:

a. To assure the internet access at least once per week.

b. To protect their username and password against misuse and to not disclose it to others.

c. Maintain the functionality of their private e-mail box where the e-office sends information. Inform all SU members about their private e-mail address.

d. To have a mobile phone and inform about all SU members about its number.

e. The obligation of confidentiality of all information in internal documents SU. This confidentiality obligation remains in effect even after the termination of the SU membership or membership candidacy.

H. final regulations

§ 42 SU is established on an indefinite period.

§ 43 Amendments to the Statute are discussed at the assembly of the SU.

a. The proposal to amend the Statute of the SU is announced to all SU members by the SU president, who initiates voting under § 16. Voting is closed after 28 days or sooner if there is faster achievement of an absolute majority of positive or negative votes from the total number of all SU members.

b. If the amendments of the Statute of the SU are approved, then the SU president of the SU publishes a new version of the Statute and notifies all SU members via e-mail as well as the Register at the Municipal Court within 14 days.

§ 44 SU expires:

a. By merging with another organization. The proposal to merge with another organization is announced to all SU members by the SU president who initiates voting under § 16. Voting is closed after 28 days or sooner if there is faster achievement of an absolute majority of positive or negative votes from the total number of all SU members.

b. By the abolishment from SU members. The proposal to abolish SU is announced to all SU members by the SU president who initiates voting under § 16. Voting is closed after 28 days or sooner if there is faster achievement of an absolute majority of positive or negative votes from the total number of all SU members.

c. By the cognizable decision of the Ministry of Interior to inactivate the SU.

d. If inactivation of the SU, the SU president appoints a liquidator who notifies the Register at the Municipal Court about the entry into liquidation and performs property settlement.

§ 45 Issues not covered by the Statute of the SU are governed by generally applicable laws of the Czech Republic.

The statute of the SU was approved on March 16, 2015 in Prague and becomes effective on the date of registration in the Register at the Municipal Court in Prague.