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Kniga o medžuslovjanskom jezyku jest gotova i dostupna

Dragi čitatelji, s radostju Vam oglašajemo, že kniga-učebnik "Interslavic zonal constructed language: an introduction for English-speakers" jest gotova i dostupna.

Knigu možno dostati v papirovoj ili elektroničskoj formě na slědujučih adresah: češske e-shopy,, Google Books, Google Play. Kako jesmo Vam nedavno oběčali, v kratkom vremeni budut takože učebniky na russkom, kineskom, hišpanskom i hrvatskom jezykah.

Tu jest popisanje knigy v anglijskom jezyku:

Interslavic zonal constructed language is an auxiliary language, which looks very similar to real spoken Slavic languages in Central and Eastern Europe and continues the tradition of the Old Church Slavonic language.  Interslavic shares grammar and common vocabulary with modern spoken Slavic languages in order to build a universal language tool that Slavic people can understand without any or with very minimal prior learning.  It is an easily-learned language for those who want to use this language actively.  Interslavic enables passive (e.g. receptive) understanding of the real Slavic languages. Non-Slavic people can use Interslavic as the door to the big Slavic world.

Zonal constructed languages are constructed languages made to facilitate communication between speakers of a certain group of closely related languages. They belong to the international auxiliary languages, but unlike languages like Esperanto and Volapük they are not intended to serve for the whole world, but merely for a limited linguistic or geographic area where they take advantage of the fact that the people of this zone understand these languages without having to learn them in a difficult way. Zonal languages include the ancient Sanskirt, Old Church Slavonic, and Lingua Franca. Zonal design can be partially found also in modern languages such as contemporary Hebrew, Indonesian, and Swahili.

Pamětajte, že v medžuslovjanskom jezyku imajemo takože profesijonalny tiskany i elektroničsky časopis (jegože websajta jest tu:, ktory jest naměreny do pytanj slovjanskyh narodov v širšem socio-kulturnom kontekstu sejčasnogo vrěmene. Časopis poddrživaje prinos slovjanskoj nauky i kultury do razvitja modernoj civilizaciji. Časopis imaje silny proces prěgledanja prislanyh člankov od ekspertov iz redakcije i publikuje originalne teksty pisane medžuslovjansky ili vsimi slovjanskymi jezykami, Esperantom, anglijskym, němečskym, hišpanskym, francuzskym, ili italijanskym jezykami, ale vsaky članok najmenje trěbuje iměti na svojem početku abstrakt i ključne slova v medžuslovjanskom i anglijskom jezykah. Recenzenti člankov sut različni eksperti najmě iz oblasti humanitnyh nauk, sociologije, archeologije, lingvistiky, ili kultury i umětnosti, ale takože iz oblasti prirodnyh i techničskyh nauk (tu jest redakcija časopisa: Časopis jest vključen do medžunarodnoj akademičskoj databazy naučnyh tekstov v oblasti humanitnyh i socijalnyh nauk CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library GmbH, Frankfurt am Main).